Thursday, December 29, 2011

Infinity of Natural Potential

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web!

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life.

 Self Nature Vast and Supreme!

Self Nature, its virtues, infinite
Self Nature, a field of all possibilities, as truth defined
Self Nature, emanating vibrations as phenomena, in kind
Self Nature, all-encompassing wisdom compassion - immeasurable, unbounded - as existence in this moment, infinite
Self Nature, the source and culmination of ten realms of existence that range from 'purity to defiled'
Self Nature, as six realms of desire, and four sage-like - these to arise as states of mind
Self nature, mirrors inconceivable, unfathomable, wondrous vitality, non-contrived

Such is The Great Self, of Great Compassion, as Wisdom Infinite!

Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Moment Mind

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web! 

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life. 


Each still moment, infinite and complete

Contains it all - the tapestry of life and being

Thus, is the entirety

  Both enlightened, and unenlightened, unique

Moment mind = 1/infinite time

Moment mind = 1/infinity

Contemplate, meditate deep

Such is the basis for wisdom, compassionate indeed

Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

Four Universal Vows of Awakened Beings

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web!

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life. 

 In My Own Words

 Sentient Beings are  Innumerable
I vow to help them all

Afflictions are inexhaustible
I vow to end them all

Ways to practice benevolence are boundless
I vow to master them all

Enlightenment is beyond all expressions
I vow to find my true nature
with diligence and insight
This, my life call

Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Mind and Matter Share One Nature

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web! 

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life. 

 Simultaneously and Repetitiously

Matter evolves from mind, and dissolves into the spaciousness of mind.
Thus, mind is matter, and matter is mind.

The crux of the matter is that mind endures,
but matter evolves and dissolves. 

Mind is the womb of all events in life
as they evolve to dissolve, and dissolve to evolve.

Mind-events - the objects of mind - arise and dissolve incessantly,
conditioned by the scheme of global interdependence
  as 'being or non-being'.

Mind and matter are, thus, an inseparable union, and
a continuum of 'emptiness and appearance' - as
they  fashion each other relentlessly.

Mind contains the entire cosmos as 'mind, and objects of mind'.
It is the paradox of 'one and many, at once'.
What a wondrous marvel!

Mind, 'the ocean' vast and supreme, flows incessantly.
Its waves of life merge into one another through interdependence.
LOVE, as 'compassionate activity', pervades it all.

 Essentially, mind and matter share one nature, as 'ocean and waves'
Mind's balance, though, may only be sustained with investigative insight.
We, together, are the waves
relentlessly merging into one another
as 'the individual' and 'the collective'.

Let not be caught up by 'the currents and waves' of our thoughts.
Experience the depth of the ocean in this very moment.

Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Mind Tamed

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web!

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life. 

From Darkness to Brilliance

Brilliance is the presence of higher mind.
  It is the spontaneous emanation of virtuosity
when we, as parents and elders, display an attitude of equality
towards all things and events that manifest
as 'phenomena' in the universe.

Indeed, it is in our best interest
to model life-experience with radiance,
~ by way of body, speech, and mind ~
consequently, to epitomize LOVE without conditions.

 The children, in turn, will only reflect
the wisdom of our compassion
by giving us a safe return of what we give to them.

Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Grand Scheme of Benevolence

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web! 

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life. 

 The Nature of Our Universe 

Charity is the nature of our universe.

All events in life obey this grand scheme of benevolence,

in one form or another.

Human reason and intention, however, defy this wisdom

- more often than not - due to self absorption.

In the process, we disturb the balance and order within the totality

of bio-rhythmic phenomena. 

It is time for us to wake up from our human dream!

Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Emptiness Supreme!

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web!

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life.

Such, is the meaning of Universe!

A vessel's importance is its emptiness to hold,

But neither its name, nor form

Thus, it fulfills its purpose by its emptiness

All of name and form - as universe - is devoid of intrinsic substance

Other than the role it fulfills momentarily

Through interdependent co-origination

Best described as global co-existence

Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Mind of One and Many

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web! 

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life.

Such is the paradox of one and many at once!

As ground and being of coarse, gross nature
As water and waves, or waves upon water
As Fires of life, and transformation
As breath of being, of all-pervasive vitality, the embodiment
As space the womb of celestial and terrestrial wonder

Thus is reality inseparable and indivisible
Spurred by interdependent co-origination, as global co-existence
Thus is the personal and universal, as self within selflessness
As Mind obstructed, in delusion, within the unobstructed

Realization pivotal to the attainment of balance and order
Peace and success, then, the truth and revelation
No mystery to life, but reverence to nature
Is the unstinting truth or the resolute law of phenomenal motion

Mind, Great Self, or Universe
Call by any name
Stands for its wisdom, ultimate
Compassion Luminous
Its true name, untainted!

Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

My World, My Universe

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web! 

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life.

 Does it lie within or without?

Caused and driven by passion while longing for 'a state of permanence'
Caused and driven by aversion being drowned in 'a sense of self'
Caused and driven by delusion, over-seeing existence in 'the present' or 'the here and the now'

Such is the world as 'personal'
Constantly drenched with feelings, rapidly intermittent
Of wholesome, unwholesome, and neutral nature
Reality, though, called 'life' stemming from such neutral nature
Projecting the falsity of permanence
From a past to a future, through time immemorial

Such is personality, in kind
As bundled-up memories
Supported by physical frameworks through space-time
The ever-reeling afflicted mind

The world is the passing dream of human kind
Trapped in the field of duality,
As 'self' (the past) and 'other' (the future), in guise
Through sheer inability to conceive
The indivisibility between all things, indeed
As 'this moment' alone, the universe
The 'one', in the all' and 'all', in the one' to be observed

Self projects the world, psycho-physical
Selflessness pervades the 'universe', as truth, ultimate
'Within' or 'without', as such, the paradox of vacillating mind
Insight, the key to enlightened mind!

Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Four Immeasurable Abodes of Peaceful Being

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web!

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life.

  'The Bliss of Awakened Awareness'

Such is universal LOVE, as unconditional LOVE, embracing all of living kind

Such is compassion, embracing all beings in distress

Such is sympathetic joy, as appreciative joy, embracing the successful and the prosperous

Such is equanimity, embracing the desirable and the undesirable without distinction

Thus are the four noble abodes of enlightened mind

Paradise on earth may only be experienced through investigative contemplation leading to insightful transformation

Begin your human mission to peace and success today!

Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

In Homage to My Father

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web! 

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life.

 On His Birthday

My reverent dad
His rich imprints
Of higher awareness,
  That, of poise
And solemnity, been laid
 Forever, in my heart

He, the unknown hero
- To world -
Who epitomized passivity and humility
Towards all in kind
Both sentient, and otherwise
Walked this Earth
Once upon a time!

This, my cherished memory
from being infant, child, youth
And, as such, through adult life!

Now, I hold the reality
Of being his continuation
As, I  nurture my nature
With all-embracing LOVE
Touching others who cross my path
Through each infinite moment, in flux
As 'here and now'

How marvelous it would be
For the good of universal life
To find the blessing of compassion,
In action
Modeled by every parent, in kind
This, the sublime truth
To raise humanity from afflicted mind!

Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Great Love and Great compassion

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web!

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life.

In this Moment of 'Suchness'

Everything's substance is one substance
"Thus, I am the universe; the universe is me"
It is the primary point to remember!

The one substance, the essential point
Is devoid of origination and cessation
It has no name, no form; no speech, no words!

This point of neither beginning, nor ending
Is the seed syllable of infinite potential
It is this moment - whole and complete - with no attachment to name and form!

It is this 'moment mind' that sees, hears, smells, tastes, and touches 'the truth'
It fulfills its function with relevance to the situation, without aim!
It is 'great love' and 'great compassion' in action!

This primordial state of mind
May only be ascertained with mindfulness of a threefold nature
As Great Faith - one-pointed effort
As Great Courage - persistence, perseverance in maintaining mind-body-spirit equipoise
As one Great Question through Eternity - true nature without inclusions of thought

Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Earth, Our Great Mother...

Hello dear parent friends of the web!

Here is a touch of my wisdom to make a difference in the tapestry of life!

 To Whom We Owe Gratitude!

Earth mother, provider of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE to the children of the planet

Earth mother, the nurturer

Earth mother, the incubator

Earth mother, of compassionate activity

Earth mother, our guardian of equal love, to all beings and forms

Earth mother, knows not to discriminate

Earth mother, the preserver of order, harmony, and  balance - in existence

Earth mother, awaits to be treated with respect,  reverence, and  mindfulness

Earth mother, awaits to be guarded with undiminished love, responsibility, and alertness

Earth mother, must never be taken for granted. 

Earth mother, our home where all things settle, by its gravitational attraction

 Earth's children, likewise, ... the plants, the animals, and the humans,

are never to be taken for granted 

Earth's prized possessions are never to be exploited


Your happiness and my happiness is not about one being’s convenience

It is about the happiness of all beings sentient, as one standard!

The tree of life, of eternity, after all, rests upon earth, it deserves our reverence!

Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

A Reflection from The Heart of Truth ...

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web!

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life.

 As Wisdom-Compassion

 Beings and forms are innumerable

I aspire to help them all

Afflictions are inexhaustible

I aspire to end them all

Ways to practice are boundless

I aspire to master them all

Transformation is unsurpassable

I aspire to dwell in LOVE, unconditional

This, my life mission, above all!

Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Knowledge Gained

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web!

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life.

A Two-dimensional Experience!

Knowledge of Acquired Learning
Intelligence of the lowest order

Powered from without
Tainted by conventional thought
Confused by ideals of representation
Misguided by objective analysis
Grounded upon standardization
Diffused by segmentation of reality
Thus, consequential incoherence
Breeding ground of negative habitual patterns and energies
as envy, jealousy, and other competitive traits

Knowledge of Acquired Learning
Intelligence of the lowest order

Of coercion, imposition, enforcement, and competition
Devoid of inner direction
Lacking inspiration and heartfelt motivation
Ever-waning in mental affliction

Knowledge Gained through the Cultivation of Wisdom
Intelligence of the Highest Order

Motivated from within
To remain in mindfulness of morality
Or moral sensitivity
Rooted in compassionate understanding
when 'the self' is dispelled while seeing through the eyes of 'sentient all'

Knowledge Gained through the Cultivation of Wisdom
as Intelligence of the Highest Order

Is the bliss of a joyful inner world
Filled with the highest of aspirations and intentions
To remain in service to all
without exceptions, judgments, and contradictions

Happiness and contentment of the outer world
is a direct consequence of the inner world.

The discrepancy between the world of representation (the outer)
and the world of reality (the inner)
is the gap that must be dissolved with mindfulness.

Selfless service as opposed to self-enrichment
must be our highest human ideal.
Recognition of this truth will only illumine one's experience of world.

Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Reality and Representation

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web!

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life.

Linked by Interdependence

Reality, none other than...

Emptiness ~ luminous
Wisdom ~ compassion
Infinite potential
Momentous, bare-perception
Untainted by valuations
Uncolored by thought
A whole as 'here and now'
This moment sacred

Representation, none else but...

Name and form
Valuations and imputations
Multiplicity and diversity
Dualistic interpretations
Self and other
Subjective, objective
Confusion and diffusion
In space-time continuum
Trapped in the gap
Between 'a past' and 'a future'

Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

World Within, and the World Without

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web!

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life.

The Paradox of Life!

Life beholder, is world within
Of being, of form
Such are emotions, akin

Of Passion, aversion, delusion
the dream within
In myriad guises
unenlightened being

Dark shadows of being
do bring undue tension
as heaving waves upon
mind itself, vast ocean

Hues of light
Of speckled brilliance
Must be nurtured with love
With, mindful concentration

Together, as such, are beings
Of mental affliction
Fleeting, surreal
let not be caught up
by mind's own fiction

Wholesome, unwholesome
being of spontaneous nature
await being treated
with tender, loving attention

Attitude of acceptance and
acknowledgment " this too shall pass "
Is key notion, of no defection
Such is truth ultimate
Wish-less, aimless
of placid perfection

This, the realization
of world within

Is path to peace eternal
in world, without - no sin!

Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

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