Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Lesson of Time

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web! 

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life.

Karma in Action

We say time is a healer, though more importantly, time is the course of redemption – over the field of interdependence - through which the invincible universal law of karma operates.

The assurance of a safe return is possible only through the activation of unconditional LOVE and COMPASSION. 

We sow the seeds of body-speech-mind while we bear the consequences - to reap the unfailing harvest of equal kind - by the choices we make. Ultimately, the consciousness we assume reflects the quality of our habitual patterns and associated tendencies.

Denial of the universal law only validates self-destruction. Mindfulness, on the other hand, brings self-awakening.

May all beings elevate themselves to become self-realized!

Photo Credit to:
Spiritual Quotes, Meditations, Beautiful

Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

Monday, November 25, 2013

A Loving Tribute My Mother

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web! 

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life.

On this Twenty Fifth day of November

This is a special tribute in remembrance of my wondrous mom - Mildred Gunawardena, fondly known as Mrs. G - who lived to epitomize the wisdom depicted in this picture.

Thirteen years ago on this twenty fifth day of November, my mother - a precious life that touched many hearts and minds on Earth - transitioned peacefully to another parenthesis in eternity. My mother left her worldly attachments behind. What she carried with her were those unfailing imprints of her caring and compassionate thoughts, words and deeds, sown throughout her life. 

Despite the fact that my mother's passing was the greatest loss in our lives, though, from a mundane perspective, we - as a family - accepted the reality of life's processes, as they continue to arrive from infinity, and move towards infinity. 

Since reality states that nothing abides, while all is in flux, we have taken solace in cherishing the rich and loving seed imprints of our mother that continue to sprout in all the many ways, in many people's hearts.

May you, our dearly beloved mom - and our life idol, to say the very least - remain in a blissful state of peace and joy, by the forces of compassion you will undoubtedly continue to generate along your infinite journey of LOVE!

Photo Credit to:
Spiritual Quotes, Meditations, and Beautiful Photographs

 Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Living Miracle

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web!

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life.

Lotus,The Symbol of Awakening

Photo Credit to: Spiritual Quotes, Meditations, Beautiful Photographs

The lotus blossom emerges with placid perfection, beauty, and uniqueness, having been nourished and transformed in the ground of impurity. Its source is in the mud while being sustained by the water of life. It rises towards the sky of enlightenment having overcome the field of gross matter.

Yes, it encompasses both dimensions of being - the relative, and the absolute - just as all other phenomena do. However, its presence of wishless-ness and aimlessness symbolizes the truth of ultimate reality - enabling it to savor the nature of freshness, openness, and the very emptiness that underlies all things in transience. 

The Lotus is the embodiment of purity and compassionate wisdom; it is the living example of transcendence. Likewise, all passions in the field of relativity bear the potential be transformed into compassion - the wisdom of the absolute!

Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

A Fleeting Life-Span

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web! Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life. 

A Reason for Contemplation

photo credit to:

Life is fleeting; a life span is only as long as the cumulative experience of all the many waking states!

Longevity is a notion of deception that accounts for all three states - 'the waking state', 'the dream state' and 'the sleep state'. Let us be more realistic and consider just one half of a general life-span.

Let us live every moment fully - for ourselves - and usefully, to all others that make our existence possible.

Our thoughts, words, and deeds are irreversible; they set our destinies for the better or for the worst. 

Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

The Voice of Pure Awareness

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web!

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life.

Silence Unborn: Silence Unceasing!

Photo: The inner voice echoes the wisdom of awareness.

It is that which resides beneath all residues of mind, matter, and phenomena.

It encompasses all knowledge; it is silence - profound and pristine - beyond all waves of thought-word-deed.

It may be discerned when the mind is stilled from vibrations unhindered by space and time.

It is unborn, unceasing, and unaffected; it is the pure presence of higher mind that entwines the rhythm of vitality.

It transcends all speech of life, or existence!

Pay heed to the silence, deep; it calls for diligence and concentration to extract the delusions of consciousness.

We shall then arrive home, supreme, where the voice of pure awareness abides!

Photo Credit to:
Spiritual Quotes, Meditations, Beautiful
Photo Credit to: Spiritual Quotes, Meditations, Beautiful

The inner voice echoes the wisdom of awareness.

It is that which resides beneath all residues of mind, matter, and phenomena.

It encompasses all knowledge; it is silence - profound and pristine - beyond all waves of thought-word-deed.

It may be discerned when the mind is stilled from vibrations unhindered by space and time.

It is unborn, unceasing, and unaffected; it is the pure presence of higher mind that entwines the rhythm of vitality.

It transcends all speech of life, or existence!

Pay heed to the silence, deep; it calls for diligence and concentration to extract the delusions of consciousness.

We shall then arrive home, supreme, where the voice of pure awareness abides!

 Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

Ignorance Overcome by Wisdom

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web! 

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life. 

The Field of All-Encompassing LOVE!

Joy resides in every heart that encapsulates LOVE while it transcends self-focused psychophysical cravings and attachments. 

As such, realized beings glow with this light of wisdom; they are joyful and altruistically intentioned; they are immersed in relieving the pain and suffering of sentient beings, who are blinded, drained, and drowned by ignorance.

When self-serving interests are dispelled, all pains dissipate by the grace of insightful openheartedness, accompanied by charitable thoughts, words, and deeds.

The world all over is like a house on fire! Harsh attitudes and exploitation of life, and the environment, followed by ever-surging natural disasters question our intellects, while we are in denial of our own shortfalls and shortsightedness.

Our pains may be overcome by annihilating the root cause of ignorance - the love of 'self'; our mundane sufferings, though, are 'the dark clouds with silver linings'; these are precursors to unveiling happiness solely through reflection and introspection.

Loving kindness must pervade the mind!

Photo Credit to:

Spiritual Quotes, Meditations, Beautiful Photographs

Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Liberating Truth

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web!

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life. 

Is to Uphold Balance

The wisdom of luminous empty essence manifests our psychophysical world of phenomena - in accordance with the forces of mind. It is the liberating truth, in an ultimate sense. 

Its nature is that which brings forth incessant transience; it entails pure action of compassion and benevolence to heal the world. 

Whether it is conducive to egoistic mental attitudes or not, it is a constant reminder to uphold equilibrium between the 'inner' and the 'outer'. Our freedom - all the way around - thus rests upon this middle ground if, and when, we adhere to this truth.

Our outward efforts in attainment of freedom will only be proven futile along the course of our lives as long as the mind remains ungrounded - by the absence of inner harmony and balance. 

The truth is that total emancipation is within our reach through the cultivation of  overall integrity in body-mind-spirit.

Photo Credit to:
Spiritual Quotes, Meditations, Beautiful Photograph

 Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

We Are One Humanity

Hello, Dear Parent Friends of the Web!

Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life. 

Uniquely Disposed with Diversity

We are one humanity; perception, however, from one individual to another, inevitably creates uniqueness and diversity. The daunting truth is that personalities will forever be tainted with points of view. While these may be conflicting, or even otherwise, each individual will realistically bear the right to his position or opinion.

In the great and diverse scheme of consciousness, beings are held trapped within the miseries of discursive, volatile thought. In the process, all conceptions - by way of ideas, notions, beliefs, ideals, and much more - evolve as mere mental constructs, in turn, to elevate egoistic mental attitudes.

Nature, though, sublimely attempts to bring healing to humble us, in our human condition, when circumstances deem proper. We are united in times of such crises - in our states of hopelessness and helplessness having to succumb to the reality of nature's majesty. Compassion, after all, is our only hope!

In truth enemies exist only in the mind! When the mind awakens, adversaries and adversities, in kind, no longer remain. In actuality, our conflicts on 'the outer' stem from 'the inner'.

Let us get this right!

Photo Credit to:

Spiritual Quotes, Meditations, Beautiful Photographs

 Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.

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