Here is a touch of my wisdom... to make a difference in the tapestry of life.
Live Fully, and Usefully, with Moment Mind!

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Spiritual Quotes, Meditations, and Beautiful Photographs
Spiritual Quotes, Meditations, and Beautiful Photographs
Never take life for granted.
It calls for our reverent attention through infinite time and space.
Its Lessons and offerings are abundant with, or without, pleasurable experience - contingent upon seed imprints sown in our consciousness, time and circumstance. However, a neutral mindset underlies the human condition.
We live in the realm of sense desire and sense appeasement; we are driven blindly by our passions, aversions, and delusions - to self indulge in discreet ways. A self in support of 'I' 'me' and 'mine' is thus the nature of sentience.
This attachment to self is never freed of its ever compounding baggage - as hindrances to our advancement - by way of fear, doubt, hope, anxiety, envy, jealousy, and a host of other negative emotional qualities.
This type of self-grasping only assures us with the return of pain and sorrow, dissatisfaction and misery. Keep in mind, all pleasures are transient; they fade away and displeasure ensues with constant change. This is just the way of life - our reality.
Lasting happiness, however, is within our reach. It is the natural consequence of self-dispelled charitable thought-word-deed, solely for the benefit of universal beings - human, or otherwise.
Health, contentment, peace, LOVE, humility, faithfulness, and compassion will unfailingly be the virtuous blessings bestowed upon those who are selfless and lovingly kind
Let me walk you along the path of peace and grace. Humanity cries out loud for help.